K1USN Radio Club

The K1USN Radio Club, a non-profit group of civilian, former and active military radio hobbyists. We no longer meet at the Watson Library municipal building in Braintree, MA. Unfortunately, the K1USN Lending Library is also temporarily closed. When a new club location exists, the details will be posted here.

We continue to run VE exams monthly however. If you would like to attend a testing session in the future, 
click here for more details
         Club Photos

Thank you to everyone who contacted K1USN on Veterans Day, November 11th, 2024 and to our volunteers who operated the K1USN stations.
 A new version of our QSO Certificate for 2024 will be available.
Certificates, in Adobe PDF format, will be emailed to those who submit a request.
If you made contact with K1USN on Veterans Day 2024 and would like a certificate, please fill out this online request
Thank You

K1USN Backup Communication Protocol

In the event of a general communication outage, i.e.,cellphones, etc. it is important for Hams to have an established written backup plan. Such a plan, entitled
Local UHF/VHF/HF Backup Communication ProtocolAdobe PDF has been developed to allow us to remain in direct or indirect contact with each other.

Please download a copy and keep it readily available. Also, please share with other Hams,
to increase the local geographic footprint.

We will attempt to keep our informal ragchew net running during this time of transition for the K1USN club. The net normally takes place @9AM Saturday mornings on the W1ATD Marshfield repeater (145.390MHz-67pl)

We have a new supply of K1USN ballcaps
K1USN ballcap While supplies last, K1USN ballcaps are $25/each. Add your first name and/or callsign embroidered on the sides for just $5/each
Click here for ordering details

k1usn sst The K1USN SST
FYI: K1USN SST QSO Practice videos from Kurt Zoglmann, AD0WE. Details on our SST webpage
A weekly CW Slow Speed [con]Test
US Daylight Savings Time (DST) began Sunday March 9th at 2AM
Fridays@ 20:00-21:00 UTC (now 4-5pm EDT)
Mondays@ 00:00-01:00 UTC (now 8-9pm EDT Sunday)
Full details on our SST webpage

K1USN Zoom session info:
Our recent Zoom session on November 29th, 2022:
Working HF DX by
Joe Reisert, W1JR.
Joe shared fascinating stories of his remarkable DXCC career along with his recommendations for successful HF DX operations.
Youtube: K1USN_11-29-22_Joe_W1JR_HF-DX
Click here to see Joe's "Working HF DX" presentation
in Abobe AdobePDF format


If interested in joining our next Zoom session, please email Pi K1RV at pi.k1rv@gmail.com

If you wish to be on our invitation emailing list, please let Pi know.
Past K1USN ZOOM sessions can be found on our ZOOM archive page

We're looking for presentations for future ZOOM meetings. If interested, please let us know.

Great Hill Gang remindesr:
  • 2 Meter SSB net Monday nights, 19:00 EST (7PM), 144.244MHz USB
  • Field Operations at Great Hill Park in Weymouth - generally the 3rd Saturday of the month (approx / weather dependent) starting at 9am.

                                                 The Massachusetts "Hands Free" legislation note:
As most of you know, the Massachusetts "Hands Free" legislation went into effect on Sunday Feb 23rd, 2020 and we can expect lots of enforcement to be taking place. <click here> for a two page printable PDF document which you might want to carry in your vehicle in case you get pulled over while using your hand mic to operate mobile. Amateur Radio operators have a special exclusion, but it may not be evident to all officers from all local law enforcement agencies.

It is suggested that you also have a current copy of your FCC license available.

For these reason we decided to offer a free service to all Hams that want to drop by K1USN (*when re-open in the future) to pick up a laminated copy of this printout as well as to obtain a laminated copy of your current license. Since the FCC no longer mails copies of your licenses out, I suggest that you read the following instructions from the ARRL first to obtain a printable copy - http://www.arrl.org/obtain-license-copy

If you do not have a printer available and want us to print one for you on card stock before laminating, it will be necessary for you to bring that FCC document on a thumb drive for us to access.

Remember that when accessing the FCC website you will need your FRN as well as your login password. If you have never logged into the FCC website before then you will need several days for the FCC to answer your request for a new password before you can download that file.

Join us for Breakfast

Do you like Amateur Radio discussions? How about meeting over a nice breakfast and hot coffee? If this sounds good, then join us Saturday mornings starting at 7AM at the Mad Hatter restaurant, 969 Washington St. in Weymouth. If 7AM is just too darn early! join us at the club later in the morning. We're usually there until 12 noon or so.
Enjoy a Contest with us !

K1USN operates several contests during the year- including the Freeze Your Butt Off contest in February and the Museum Ships On The Air event in early June to name just a few. 
rev 2024-11-25