K1USN Radio Club


Archived K1USN ZOOM meetings

K1USN Zoom
The K1USN Radio Club has been holding bi-weekly (approximately) ZOOM meetings for members and guests, each with a specific focus on an Amateur Radio topic of interest.

These ZOOM meetings are recorded and made available on the K1USN Youtube channel.

Each meeting is listed below with it's Youtube link and in some cases, additional info links made available by the presenters.

If interested in joining future Zoom sessions, please email Pi K1RV at pi.k1rv@gmail.com

73 de K1USN Radio Club

(jump to latest presentation)
5-26-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Phil Temples K9HI: remote VE testing
Bruce Blain K1BG: 2020 ARRL Field Day
Youtube: K1USN_5-26-20_ZoomMeeting

6-9-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Rick N1DC: Florida vacation radio operations
Youtube: K1USN_6-9-20_ZoomMeeting
NaDC Florida
7-7-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Rick N1DC: Building his KX3 based Go Kit
Youtube: K1USN_7-7-20_ZoomMeeting
Additional links Rick used for researching Go Kit designing:

N1DC GoBox
7-21-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Joe N1BMW: DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) 101
Youtube: K1USN_7-21-20_ZoomMeeting
8-04-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Henry K1WCC: 
POTA (Parks On The Air) operations
Youtube: K1USN_8-4-20_ZoomMeeting
8-18-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Rick N1DC: LOTW (ARRL- LogBook Of The World)
Youtube: K1USN_8-18-20_ZoomMeeting
9-01-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Steve wG0AT ('The Goat Hiker'): SOTA operations
Youtube: K1USN_9_01_20_ZoomMeeting
9-15-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Goeff Allsup, W1OH:Amateur Radio Satellite Communications
Youtube: K1USN_9-15-20_ZoomMeeting
Amateur Radio Sats
9-29-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Tom K1TH: J3A Grenada operations
Youtube: K1USN_9_29_20_ZoomMeeting
J3A Grenada
10-13-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Don N1DG: Baker Island DXpedition 2018
Youtube: K1USN_10-13-20_ZoomMeeting
Baker Island
10-27-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Barbara N1NS: US Forest Service Firefighting
Youtube: K1USN_10-27-20_ZoomMeeting
 PDFAdobePDF version of her presentation
N1NS and Smokey
11-10-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
  Anthony K8ZT: Intro to FT8 & FT4
11-24-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Rob Macedo KD1CY: Skywarn & ARES update
Youtube: K1USN 11-24-2020  ZoomMeeting
AdobePDFVersion of Robs presentation
12-08-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Howard WB2UZE & Jim W6JIM
from the Long Island CW Club:
"How to Learn and Have Fun with CW"
Youtube: K1USN 12-08-2020 ZoomMeeting
Long ISland CW club
12-21-20 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Ham Radio University
 presented by Mel KS2G
Youtube: K1USN 12-21-2020 ZoomMeeting
Ham Radio University
01-08-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Barbara, N1NS discussed Marconi on Cape Cod & the  January 18th, 2021 KM1CC Special Event
Youtube: K1USN_01-08-2021_ZoomMeeting
PDFAdobe version of her presentation
01-19-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Virginia Utermohlen Lovelaceauthor and granddaughter of shipboard Marconi Wireless operator & hero Jack Binns described this 1909 rescue as sea.
Youtube: K1USN 01-19-21 ZoomMeeting
Virginia's presentation in AdobeAdobe PDF format
PBS American Experience "Rescue at Sea"
02-02-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
"CW Speeds and Prosigns in Ham Radio Contests" by Tim Shoppa N3QE,
CQ Magazine Contest Editor.
Youtube: K1USN 02-02-2021 ZoomMeeting
02-16-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Marcia Forde - KW1U, Section Traffic Manager (STM), gave us a presentation on the NTS (National traffic System): Message Handling, Nets and Digital Operations
K1USN 02-16-20  ZOOMmeeting
03-02-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
"Technicians: Life Beyond Repeaters"
by Anthony Luscre
Youtube: K1USN 03-02-21 Zoom meeting
Technicians: Life Beyond Repeaters
03-16-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
"Ham Radio Operating Away From Home"
by Rick N1DC
Youtube: K1USN 03-16-21 Zoom meeting
N1DC away from home
03-30-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
"What your ARRL is Doing for You"
by our ARRL Eastern Massachusetts SCM, Tom Walsh - K1TW along with Phil Temples - K9HI, our  New England ARRL Division Vice - Director.
Youtube: K1USN 03-30-21 Zoom Meeting
Tom's slide presentation in pdfPDF format
Phil Temples and Tom Walsh
04-28-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Fred Hopengarten - K1VR
our ARRL New England Director.
Youtube: K1USN 4-28-21 Zoom Meeting
Fred's slide presentation in pdfPDF format
05-11-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
CQ Magazine editor Rich Moseson - W2VU discusses CQ magazine which has been in circulation since 1945 and is still considered THE magazine for active Hams!
Youtube: K1USN 5-11-21 Zoom Meeting
CQ magazine
06-08-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Anthony Luscre - K8ZT
gave a great presentation regarding
SDR - Software Defined Radios

YouTube: K1USN 6-08-21 Zoom Meeting
06-22-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Anthony Luscre - K8ZT &
Linda Luscre - KA8ODP
gave us two presentations!
-Choosing your ideal callsign
-Amateur Radio, Field Day & Trains

07-20-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Mindy - KM1NDY give us a great presentation regarding POTA & SOTA adventures (Parks/Summits On The Air).
YouTube: K1USN_7-20-21_KM1NDY
Mindy made her slide deck
Adobe PDF available in PDF format as well. She also has a very informative Blog regarding Field Day operations with the Sci-Tech group. <click here>
08-24-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting
Fred AB1OC gave us a great presentation regarding programs helping hams & young people develop new skills and get on the air.
YouTube: K1USN_8-24-21_AB1OC
Fred AB1OC
09-28-21 K1USN ZOOM meeting "Candidates Night" with the three candidates running for ARRL New England Director
ARRL NE Director Candidates
01-25-22 K1USN ZOOM meeting
"Tom W1CC and his Dayton Hamvention stories"
Tom W1CC began attending the Dayton Hamvention back in the 1970’s and had stories to tell about Hamventions past and present.
Youtube: K1USN_01-25-22_W1CC-Hamvention

Tom W1CC
03-15-22 K1USN ZOOM meeting
featured Bob WC1N who highlighted his recent POTA and SOTA activations.
(Parks On The Air and Summits On The Air)
Youtube: K1USN_03-15-22_WC1N-POTA-SOTA